MTEF is embarking on a campaign to help provide wireless internet connectivity at all of Manchester's public schools. We recently donated $25,000 to the Manchester Township School District for the project and have set a goal of raising an additional $25,000 to bring the total to $50,000.
Help us meet our goal of $50,000!

MTEF President Ken Palmer, presented the check to Board of Education President Donald Webster, Jr. On hand with Webster were Superintendent of Schools David Trethaway, Business Administrator Craig Lorentzen and Technology Coordinator Chip Conover.
Trethaway said that the district hopes to have wireless connectivity available at all schools during the upcoming 2013-14 school year, with work beginning this summer. The entire project is expected to cost up to $350,000.
"This is a big project but a necessary one in order to support 21st century learning for our students," said Webster. "We truly appreciate the support of the MTEF to help us make this project a reality."
"This is a need that the MTEF Board of Directors feels strongly about supporting. Every year we donate equipment like iPads and Kindles that our students and teachers are not able to use to the fullest extent because there is no wireless available in the classrooms. We are counting on the Manchester community to support us in meeting or exceeding our goal of $50,000 for this project."
- MTEF President Ken Palmer
WiFi Manchester! Campaign
Help us bring our schools into the 21st Century! Your donation will help provide wireless internet connectivity throughout all of Manchester's public schools, giving our students access to unlimited internet resources.

Tablets, Notebooks, and more! E-books, educational apps and videos, online textbooks, distance learning, collaboration with students around the world - these are just some of the resources that we believe our students deserve to have access to. Donate now if you agree!
Make your secure tax-deductible donation by credit card today!
Please note that we are charged 2.2% for credit card transactions.
Please consider increasing your donation to cover this fee (ex: increase your $100 donation to $103).