MTEF is pleased to announce four scholarship awards were presented to Manchester Twp. High School graduates at Senior Awards Night on June 2, 2011.

Charles J. Hesse III Memorial Scholarship recipient, Jillian DeSimone, with MTEF President Ken Palmer.
The 2011 Charles J. Hesse III Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Jillian DeSimone. Jill will major in speech pathology at Stockton College in the fall.
Charles J. Hesse III was the president and owner of the Ocean County Landfill Corporation and other family-owned businesses. He is fondly remembered as a driving force behind the construction of the Manchester Little League Complex and long-time supporter of local children’s charities. The Hesse family and Mr. N. Britt Raynor, Vice President of the Ocean County Landfill Corporation, arranged funding for this memorial scholarship, which provides an initial award of $2,500 and is renewable in the following three years for a total award of $10,000.

Senior Citizens Club of Crestwood Village IV Scholarship recipients, Richard Evan Jones and Kendal Parliament, with club officers Jim Duran and Jerry Carroll, and MTEF President Ken Palmer.
The Senior Citizens Club of Crestwood Village IVscholarships of $500 each were awarded to Kendal Parliament and Richard Evan Jones. Kendal will major in journalism at Burlington County College and Richard (Evan) will major in medical technology at Stevenson University in Maryland.
The Senior Citizens Club has a strong desire to support Manchester’s young citizens in their future educational endeavors. The Senior Citizens Club conducts weekly Bingo to raise funds to support this scholarship program and other charitable projects.

Lakehurst-Manchester Lions Club Scholarship recipient, Emily Claus, with MTEF President Ken Palmer and Lions Club representatives Edith Klucewiczand Victoria Andresen.
The Lakehurst-Manchester Lions Club scholarship of $500 was awarded to Emily Claus. Emily will major in architecture at Pratt Institute in New York.
The local Lions Club is a member of Lions International, the largest non-governmental organization in the world providing disaster relief and charitable donations. The Lions Club participates in eyeglass recycling programs, phonic ear systems for classrooms, and the Eye Research Foundation.
MTEF members extend sincere appreciation to the generous scholarship sponsors who made the awards possible.
Local organizations or businesses wishing to join the scholarship award program should contact MTEF for additional information at, call 732-856-8331.