The Manchester Township Education Foundation (MTEF) presented 21 Classroom Mini-Grants, totaling over $10,000, to teachers at the December 18, 2013 Board of Education meeting. Grants included technology items such as iPads, Kindle tablets, document cameras, projectors and video equipment as well as art and music projects.

Ken Palmer, MTEF President, said that the decisions were very difficult this year with a record 51 grant applicants asking for about $40,000. “Unfortunately, we only had $10,000 to give,” he remarked. He said that the grant committee did their best to make sure a diverse range of projects were selected, with all of the schools represented.
Superintendent of Schools, David Trethaway, thanked the MTEF, saying, “Our teachers have a lot of great ideas, especially when it comes to technology, and we are not able to fund them all. The foundation makes a significant contribution, not only to our staff, but particularly to our students. It’s amazing the things that happen when you put technology in their hands.” BOE President, Donald Webster, Jr., also thanked the MTEF on behalf of the Board of Education.
Grant Recipients:
Tim Apgar, MTES Music Teacher, $648 for a Drum Circle project
Natalie Baranyay/Francine Allman/Liza Gauvain/Debra Johnson, RS Kindergarten Teachers, $1,150 for a document camera and projector.
Merrill Blihar, RS Speech-Language Specialist, $678 for an iPad to help students develop clear communication.
Stephanie Boyd, WS Speech-Language Specialist, $950 for an iPad to help students improve speech-language skills.
Donna Cade, WS Special Education Teacher, $335 for 2 Nook tablets.
Julie Clark, WS Kindergarten Teacher, $475 for an iPad.
Keith Eckert, HS Video Production Teacher, $1,436 for an interactive editing projector.
Gretchen Freund, MTES Grade 5 Teacher, $730 for equipment for a school-wide Broadcast News Program.
Ashley Gawlik/Teena Spinelli, MTHS Art Teachers, $399 for an Art Show project.
Samantha Greenstein, RS Grade 2 Teacher, $175 for memory cards and an iPod Nano for listening and recording reading.
Jessica Gwin/Ashley Capezzuto, MTES Grade 2 Teachers, $500 for 2 iPads to enhance learning.
Nina Henning, RSGrade 3 Teacher, $235 for a Kindle Fire HD 8.9.
Kristine LaPorte, MS Science Teacher, $600 for a classroom projector.
Alice McGlynn. MTES Art Teacher, $350for a large-screen TV for the art room.
Jill Moore, RS Basic Skills Teacher, $450 for a Lenovo Convertible Touchscreen Laptop.
Elaine Pate, RS Basic Skills Teacher, $385 for 3 Kindle 7"HD and headsets. This grant was sponsored by the Bruzaitis family in memory of Ella & Anthony Bruzaitis.
Leah Posner, WS Grade 2 Teacher, $235 for a Kindle Fire HD 8.9" Tablet.
Jamie Rinella, RS Grade 3 Teacher, $225 for 2 Kindle Fire HD 7" Tablets.
Nancy Savona, RDS Special Education Teacher, $568 for a Boardmaker Plus device that helps nonverbal students communicate. This grant was sponsored by Drs. Donna & Chris Malloy of EyesFirst Vision in Manchester.
Meredith Smisek, MTES/WSGuidance Counselor, $110 for social skills & problem solving iPad apps.
Lindsay Yarnold, WS Grade 2 Teacher, $161 for Tools for Smart Notebook software and Apple TV.
Please help us provide more for our students next year. Any donation, large or small, will help!
DONATE NOW Safe credit card donation through PayPal
Donations of Amazon or iTunes Gift Cards will also help!
Mail checks or gift cards to:
MTEF P.O. Box 168 Whiting, NJ 08759
To sponsor a grant in the name of your business or to honor a loved one, please contact