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MTEF Presents Over $10K in 2014-15 School Grants

MTEF presented over $10,000 in grant awards to all six of the district's schools at the January 21, 2015 Manchester BOE meeting.

MTEF President Jeff DeSimone, MTEF Vice President Donna Malloy and MTEF Board member Mayor Ken Palmer presented the ceremonial grant checks to principals and their representatives. DeSimone said that MTEF in the past has awarded classroom mini-grants to teachers but decided this year to ask principals to submit requests for a larger school-wide item. "We really enjoy doing this, giving back to our schools, and we hope to continue," he said, adding that the organization could use some new volunteers to help carry out their mission.

Superintendent of Schools, David Trethaway, said that over the years the MTEF has been very supportive of the district and has been instrumental in providing things that normally could not be purchased through the regular budget. "These things wouldn't happen without your hard work and we really appreciate it," he said.

Principal Grants presented were:

  • Manchester Twp. High School: $2,891 for Labquest Mini Interface technology devices for Science Lab

  • Manchester Twp. Middle School: $1,505 for iPad & Projector for Media Center

  • Ridgeway Elementary School: $1,471 for Learning A-Z ReadyTest subscription for 13 classes, and an iPad for Preschool Program

  • Manchester Twp. Elementary School: $1,471 for Learning A-Z ReadyTest subscription for 13 classes, and an iPad for Music Program

  • Whiting Elementary School: $1,023 for Learning A-Z ReadyTest subscription for 13 classes, and an iPad for Kindergarten

  • Regional Day School: $1,700 for Document Projectors and an iPad

Also presented was the MTEF Ella & Anthony Bruzaitis Memorial Grant, $400 to Ridgeway School for a large screen TV for their art room. Tony Bruzaitis presented the award, which is sponsored by the Bruzaitis family in honor of his parents who were instrumental in the original construction and success of Ridgeway School. His father was on the BOE and was also Mayor of Manchester in the late 50's and his mother was very active in the PTA at that time.

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