The MTEF awarded $20,500 in scholarships to the Class of 2015, thanks to the generosity of our community sponsors. Congratulations to all of the recipients and thank you to our sponsors! The following scholarships were awarded:

Charles J. Hesse Memorial Scholarship
($10,000 over 4 years) -
Robert Planter with MTEF President Jeff DeSimone

Cpl. Nicholas Ott Memorial Scholarships ($1,000 x4) - Kacie Mandella, Kaitlyn Kettmann, Christopher Lietz, Brett Goebel with Jeff DeSimone and Debbie Ott

Senior Citizens Club of Crestwood Village 4 Scholarships ($500 x4) - Dylan Scholes, Katherine Chinery, Dayna Stewart, Matt Sullivan with MTEF President Jeff DeSimone and sponsor representative
Jerry Carroll

World War II Veteran Walter A. Moderack Memorial Scholarship ($1,000) -
Marissa Bennett with Jeff DeSimone
and John Moderack

Lakehurst-Manchester Lions Club
Scholarship ($500) -
Caitlyn Triggs with Richard Campana
and Jeff DeSimone

River Pointe Men's Club
and Women's Club
Scholarships ($500 x4) -
Patrick Williams, Jade Sodon, Nicolette MAloney, Patrick Lyons with Jeff DeSimone and Mr. & Mrs. Grossman of River Pointe

Nicole Denise Romanelli Scholarship ($1,000) - Brittney Ploumitsakos with Jeff DeSimone