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2015-16 Classroom Mini-Grants - 18 Grants, $12,000

Jeffrey DeSimone, President of the Manchester Township Educational Foundation, and Vice President Donna Malloy, presented 18 Classroom Mini-Grants to teachers throughout the district at the December 16, 2015 Manchester Township Board of Education meeting. DeSimone described the projects and how they would impact students.The total amount awarded was about $12,000. Grants included technology equipment, science and art projects, special education and guidance support, and an online spelling program.

“I hope the administrators and the board give credit to these teachers for putting in the extra effort to apply for something extra to benefit the kids in their classroom,” he said. He also said that the foundation is in need of volunteers to help them continue to support Manchester schools and invited anyone who is interested to visit their website for more information.

Congratulations to all of the recipients, listed below:

  • Kathleen Antonelli & Rose Pett, Ridgeway - $503 for 3 Kindle Fire Tablets

  • Raquel Bachonski, Ridgeway - $225 for Digital Voice Recorders for Speaking & Listening project

  • Kimberly Costagliola/Brigid Cahill, Ridgeway - $812 for 2 iPad Minis for Resource Room/Special Education

  • Susan Doyle/Miriam Hill/Jessica Stofik, Regional Day - $798 for 2 Board Maker Plus! Software items

  • Gina Foss, Ridgeway - $540 for 2 Mini iPads for iPad= iLearn

  • SheriAnne Giacomo, MTES - $369 for Mini iPad for many Hands

  • Jennifer Gilbert/Danielle Hickey/Danielle Knight/Stacey O'Connor, MTES - $2,052 for 4 iPads: Bridge to Interactive Learning for 1st grade

  • Paul Harrigan/Megan Rykowski/Amy Vasquez/Sara Saraceno/Nicole May, MTES-$265 for Membership for 4th grade

  • Nina Hennig, Ridgeway - $200 for 2 Kindle Fire Kids Edition

  • Megan Lambusta, Regional Day - $709 for Projecting the Future-ELMO document camera

  • Kristine LaPorte/Susan Morgan, MTMS - $400 for Monarch Way Station Science Project

  • Susan Morgan/Kristine LaPorte, MTMS - $1,010 for Beach Revitalization - Science Project

  • Teena Spinelli-O'Connell, MTHS - $1,183 for Painting in the Making - paint drying rack

  • Nellianne Parr, MTMS - $860 for Makerspace items including circuits, electronics, apps, more

  • Jessica Parsons, Ridgeway - $374 for iLearn with iPad Mini

  • Phoebe Pennypacker/Robin Cohen, Regional Day - $454 for Technology in Counseling - iPad plus apps

  • Crystal Policastro, Ridgeway - $976 for 4 iPad Minis for QR Codes in the Classroom

  • Elena Zeller, Ridgeway - $860 for Seeing the Bigger Picture - ELMO document camera

DeSimone said that only one grant application was not selected because the committee felt it did not match the MTEF criteria. It was from Mr. Portuese at MTES for a Jump Rope Club project. DeSimone said the committee thought it was a good project so they looked for alternative funding, and he announced that the Ott family would fund Portuese’s grant through the Cpl. Nick Ott Memorial Fund.

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