Thanks to our generous sponsors, donors, golfers and volunteers, we raised over $26,000 at our 2016 Outing!
Thank to our very generous sponsors listed below! We could not have done it without you!
Event Sponsor:

Cocktail Sponsor:
Oliverie Funeral Home
Dinner Sponsor: Lakhani Eye Assoc.
Beverage Cart Sponsor:
Lunch Sponsors: EyesFirst Vision
Corporate Sponsors: Wiss & Company Seaside Park Service Center Maser Consulting KST Contracting Anderson & Campbell Funeral Home Law Offices of Ken T. Palmer Century 21 Action Plus Realty InVision Eyecare New Horizon Lighting
Driving Range Sponsors: KST Contracting
Welcome Sponsors: Retina Care Center Arthur Gallagher & Co. Monmouth Retina Consultants
Hole In One Contest Sponsor: Law Offices of Ken T. Palmer
Hole Sponsors: Spiezle Architects Remington, Vernick, Vena Engineers Manchester Accounting Quick Check Physicians for Adults (x2) Phoenix Advisors BOE Individual Members JNL Electric Service Century 21/Felicia Finn Tekmark Global Solutions Acacia Financial Manchester PBA OceanFirst Edward Liston Law Office Trimboli & Prusinowski Law Donovan's Restaurant & Bar Ian Goldman, Attorney at Law Ruggeri Realty
Golf Cart Sponsors: Spiezle Architects Manchester Accounting Ocean Eye Institute Athwal Eye Associates (x2) Manchester Twp Education Association