Thanks to our business and community partners, the MTEF awarded the following scholarships to graduating seniors of the Manchester Township High School Class of 2017:

Zach Kennedy - The Charles J. Hesse III Memorial Scholarship - $2,500 per year for four years to a student attending a 4-year college or university ($10,000 total award). Zach is pictured here with MTEF board members Rick Campana and Jim Gant.

Christina Batista - The MTEF Dr. William E. DeFeo Scholarship - $1,000. Christina is pictured above with Dr. DeFeo.

Ed Hudak,Joseph Felipe, Kalynn Hanily, Diane Lacuarta - The Crestwood Village IV Senior Citizens Club Scholarship - four $500 awards. Pictured here with Jerry Caroll of CV IV Senior Citizens Club.

Kaitlyn Eletto - Lakehurst-Manchester Lions Club Scholarship - $500. Kaitlyn is pictured above with Rick Campana of the Lions Club and MTEF.

Sierra Snead - The WWII Veteran Walter A. Moderack Scholarship - one $1,000 award with preference to an ROTC or Color Guard student.
John Davern - The Vietnam Veteran Walter B. Moderack Memorial Scholarship - one $500 award with preference to an ROTC or Color Guard student.
John and Sierra are pictured above with Rick Campana and Jim Gant of MTEF.

Kaylee Shepard and John Dolan - River Pointe Women's Club Scholarship - two $1,000 awards.
Olusola Fakinlede and Nicholas Pellicano - River Pointe Men's Club Scholarship - two $500 awards.
Winners pictured above with Frank Marmo of RIver Pointe Men's Club and Phyllis Grossman of River Pointe Women's Club.

Brooke Leiser- Nicole Denise Romanelli Memorial Scholarship - $1,000. Brooke is pictured here with Rick Campana and Jim Gant of MTEF.